Digital Cheshire

News & Blog


A Business Networking Success for Digital Cheshire

The first Digital Cheshire networking event took place in Congleton with over 50 attendee’s joining to learn more about Digital Cheshire and receive a short taster talk on LinkedIn.

Providing insights and tips to businesses throughout the networking session, we we’re able to deliver a complementary professional portrait photography services at the event to enable businesses to take-away a professional portrait image to strengthen their LinkedIn profile.

The networking session was proven a success with many businesses booking on to attend upcoming masterclasses on digital marketing, content creation, SEO and other digital subject matters.

Often for small businesses having the option to attend a local free of charge networking session is vital, gaining a greater understanding of funded support available, in addition to the many added benefits of meeting with prospects, peers and likeminded individuals during the event.

On the back of the success, Digital Cheshire will be hosting a quarterly networking event across Cheshire, Halton and Warrington. If you are interested in attending our free to access networking events, get your business cards ready and head on over to our upcoming events page and secure your space.


Monday 5th August 2024

Business Blogs – Literacy Counts

Literacy Counts shared with Digital Cheshire insight on why Digital Marketing is important for their business and how the Digital Cheshire programme has helped elevate their efforts.

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Tuesday 31st May 2022

Cyber Security – the financial risks for your business

At Digital Cheshire, our masterclasses are delivered by industry experts such as ex-military cybersecurity specialist Holly Grace Williams, so you receive the most up to date knowledge to effectively protect your business. Holly is delivering our masterclass, ‘Breaking Bad Security’, providing expert guidance and insight into a threat all businesses face.

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Friday 29th April 2022

5 Key Things to Consider when Developing a Marketing Strategy

The Digital Cheshire programme delivers fully funded business support and provides fully funded masterclasses led by industry experts, including specialist guidance and advice on creating an effective digital marketing strategy.

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